Look, let's keep this short and simple.
1. don't steal from any of the ideas on this site; which may include, everything, but may not be limited to, everything.
2. everything available here, took a lot of time and hard work to create, design, and implement. If you don't know how much time goes into this process, I suggest you look around on the web to determine how many resources it takes to design just one page.
3. please respect the rights, rules, regulations, bylaws, or everything related to the aforementioned things, which may include, everything, but may not be limited to, everything, of the individual owners' links and company information displayed in this site.
4. with the exception of external links, links which may include third party links of entities, affiliate links of entities, affiliate program partners, advertisers, their respective logos, images, and text, or where otherwise noted, all other images, including the design layout and content of this site, is protected by copyright laws and a creative commons license. To view the Creative Commons License, please click here >
5. be ethical! look, no one likes a party pooper, or litigation, mediation, arbitration, or mediation arbitration. if you want the ADR clause, you can email me.
6. enjoy!